Let Go and Get Going!

By: Claudia Nwankwo It is true what they say about "when you find the right someone...you can just tell, you would just know you never experienced that kind of peace and ease. Everything kind of fall into place. One after the other, the puzzle is fixed. It is the same feeling when you find yourself at the right place and at the right time or when you finally land that job that connects the dots and makes you happy. Nothing can be more fulfilling than doing just what you love. Some of us get carried away chasing the money that we don't see the abundance within/ around us. Yes! You get the money but you struggle to understand why you still do not have some peace of mind or some level of satisfaction but when you find that one thing you have been destined to do, it becomes "a rolling stone". The passion wakes you up at odd hours, gives you unbelievable inspiration, strengthens you and you are just unstoppable. You just know you were made for thi...