
Showing posts from April, 2020

It's not just a promise, it's a debt!

I guess we're all familiar with the phrase "Promise is a debt". Let's be clear, it is not just a promise, it's a debt! Those of you that made promises to people and failed to redeem it, imagine that the world ends today, what excuse will you give to the angels (if they asked)? If it's not a big deal,  why do we feel some kind of guilt eachtime we come across the person we made promise to? Like in relationships or marriage, promise is a kind of commitment. It's morally wrong to fail to redeem a promise and worse,  if your failure to redeem it is intentional. You may say, well... it's goodwill. Yes! Promise is usually done willfully but you can only add "good" to the "will" only when you redeem it. You may say, "but I don't have". Hmmm...bear in mind that if you treat it as a debt, you would find a way to fulfill that commitment. Remember, "where there's a will, there's always a way". ...

Coronavirus and 5G conspiracy theory, you are safer at home!

The world woke up in 2020 only to discover that a virus which broke out in Wuhan, China towards the end of 2019 has started spreading across the globe, claiming tens of thousands of lives. With Europe and America being the worst hit at this time, the emergence of this deadly virus is crippling world economy. Giving strength to rumours and uncertainties and setting the world at the highest peak of confusion. The world is on lock down at the moment. With no cure or vaccine in sight, we've all been asked to social-distance and stay at home and adopt healthy hygiene methods (for our good and the good of all). A lot of people are complaining about hunger, some are not happy with losing their freedom. All these are understandable but what I don't understand, is the conspiracy theory that the adoption of 5G technology is responsible for this virus. Not only that, some pastors are linking the virus, proposed vaccine and again, the adoption of 5G to Antichrist. And I ask...