Alot has to change about the Igbo culture

Everytime you see comments like... "Burn your wife's clothes" "Beat her up" "She must submit" "Man chains his wife" Yen yen yen... Check the name of the poster. 90% of the times it's an Igbo man. There's no denying the effort of the "modern day Igbo man" in the fight against these misogynistic tendencies but you see... it's quite a long journey. A handful of Igbo men enjoy being power drunk. They enjoy subjugation, anything to keep a woman defeated. It's hard to think that the most powerful women around here are Igbos yet the most oppressed. Onitsha, Aba, Tejuosho market, Computer village.....anywhere you find Igbo men in their numbers, they harass women unchallenged and foolishly 'kikiki' away about it. If it's not madness, I wonder wtf it is. Some people will say "it's not only Igbo men". Yes! There are foolish men in every tribe and culture but to a large extent, the Igbo culture encourag...