Online Passport Application: My NIS Experience

Nigerian Passport As "Nigerians" we (naturally) shy away from using government agency portals or online platforms. Many would say that the portals do not work and they make things more difficult. Others would not even bother to try because as far as they are concerned it's all make believe. Personally, I do not subscribe to herd mentality. I keep an open-mind approach to everything. I prefer to test and see and speak from my own experience. Based on this, (also due to dwindling resources post-covid-era) I decided that this year, I will not pay any extras. I would try the portals and see how it goes. Recently, I have tried the FRSC portal for renewal of driving licence, Ikeja electric portal for KYC and prepaid meter application, NIMC for identity card enrollment and most recently, the NIS for my international (travel) passport renewal. I had asked around and was told to prepare to pay between 40k to 50k for 32page passport with 5 years validity. I'd also read about ot...