Then You Realize You’re no different

Hanging in there😘 This middle class life is a mystery. How we get by, hang in there and keep going is a miracle. In my lifetime, I had many dreams but I'd had to lay most of my dreams to rest because I didn't know just how to achieve them. Even when I knew how, I didn't have the resources. Many times I tried to hang in there hoping something would happen. Hoping that an opportunity would come that would make that dream a reality but it always just end up being a dream. I have to kill one dream to dream another. Kill another for another. All of these dreams shaped by my realities. I could only dream but I couldn't help myself achieve it. The moment you go from thinking you can do it to oh...well, I'm done reaching.. I'll just relax, breathe and enjoy the moment because you just don't want to die prematurely like your dreams. You realise you're no different from the crowd. Not special (regardless), not outstanding. You are just another person struggl...