
Showing posts from August, 2024

Do yourself the favour of being aiit

One thing I’ve learned in my little time on this earth is to never entertain negativity.   I’ve had to let go of quite a few relationships for the sake of my peace. And as I get older, I understand more and more why some people find comfort in pets over humans.   There’s a certain peace that comes with not having entitled people around—the ones who demand more than you can give, who hold unrealistic expectations for no reason.   People who do the bare minimum yet expect your entire existence in return.   It’s draining to deal with ungrateful people who only take, never considering you. The ones who are quick to put you down the moment they sense even the slightest vulnerability.   And then there are those who linger in your life under the guise of “friends” or “family” but have no real goodwill toward you. The gossipers, the backstabbers—the ones who secretly hope for your downfall.   There’s a certain stability that comes with staying in your lane, living ...