To each their kind

People often say that women today are not like their mothers, usually referring to how past generations endured both subtle and outright abuse in silence. Many of those women cried themselves to sleep night after night but refused to leave, afraid of what society would say or unwilling to be labeled as having "failed" in marriage. They held on to men who had already checked out of the marriage, making excuses for those who treated them worse than animals. They found reasons to stay, even when love and respect had long disappeared. But today’s woman? She knows better. She is self-aware, values her peace and refuses to waste time on a man who doesn’t even know what he wants. She will not beg for love neither will she wait around for someone who doesn’t choose her nor tolerate being treated like an afterthought. She loves herself enough to walk away from places where she isn’t wanted. The moment a relationship starts to feel like a bad idea or threatens her menta...