Inside Life!
When I tell people "live your life"...they think I'm over-emphasizing but think about it. You're never gonna have any moment twice You won't be able re-live ANY day in life. Even if you keep doing same thing over and over, day in day out, no two days will be exactly the same (even if they were it can't be fun) if you do, you'd only be holding yourself down because life in itself is not static but then again, it's up to you. However, choosing to live life basing your actions on other people's standards or validation is one of the worst mistakes anyone can make because as they say "no two heads are the same". We all carry different destinies, purpose, talents and gifts. Any attempt at hiding your shine or gift is denying the world of awesomeness and beauty of diversity. Imagine we were all one specie of animals or aliens or robots and just keep doing same thing in the same manner over and over. Sigh! Just imagine a world with one...