5 Money Habits For 2020

Ever heard the saying "don't live a champagne lifestyle on a beer income"? You have to take that seriously this year if you want to take your finances to the next level. 5 Money Habits To Live By in 2020 1. Apply some level of discipline: Unless you are investing in something it's always advisable to buy only what you need per time. You already have steady bills/financial obligations. Focus on increasing income rather than expenditure. Spend less, get familiar with all your (periodic) financial obligations, cancel impulsive buying, set aside an emergency fund. Just as your income, structure your expenses and put them under a heading e.g rent, flex allowance, family, health, charity, wardrobe etc. 2. Don't get into debt: Avoid unnecessary borrowing. Remember, cost of funds in Nigeria is very high. Try to live within your means and avoid spending off budget. If it's unforeseen, beyond your emergency funds and you must borrow, weigh your options prop...