Why men cheat & 7 rules women can live by.
A very common question among women especially those who experience heartbreak is "why?"
Relationships crumble most-times as a result of cheating. Leaving the other partner wondering why, what they have done wrong or could have done better to prevent it.
Hence, the question "why do men cheat?"
There's yet no known reason to that.
They cheat for no particular reason.
Of course, a person who is tired or caught cheating in a relationship might want to cook up several silly excuses for being in the wrong but it is what it is. A silly excuse.
Alot of men cheat for no reason.
They just do it and it doesn't matter how cute you look, how wealthy, supportive, good in bed, kind or how well you cook.
Give them the world, they'd still cheat.
It's not about you, It's the man.
A cheat is a cheat.
Many men cheat because they are cheats. Simple!
So, chin up Sis.
Just determine what's your limit or deal breaker. Know what you can take and let him know upfront so he knows exactly what he's bargaing for when he cheats on you.
Worthy of note is the fact that alot of women tolerate cheating men.
Some say "as long as he does not bring it to their knowledge", "as long as he takes care of the home front", "as long as he does not do it in my face, I dont care".
These women have closed their minds-eyes to it. They do not really care except it starts messing up their personal space.
For them, it's the only way to secure their hearts against heartbreaks.
If it works for you, fine.
This school of thought only supports the idea that "it's a man's world" thereby encouraging patriarchy and misogyny and does not represent the idea of "selflove" in anyway; rather it propagates "for better for worse" thingy and we all know who is mostly at the receiving end.
The power of positive thinking.
Women should learn to love themselves more for who they are.
Love your body, love your energy, love your space and everything around you.
Be an embodiment of positivity.
Here are 7 rules you can live by:
- Never think yourself as helpless or hopeless.
- Never allow anybody take your vulnerability for granted
- Do not give room for negative energy.
- Carry yourself like a goddess.
- Respond more with smile and silence.
- Live a purposeful live
- Take responsibility for your own happiness.
Realise that you only have one life to live and make each day count.
If only you can be happy by yourself.
Love yourself so much that your presence naturally cuts off negative vibes.
Love yourself so much, that your peace of mind is not negotiable.
Love yourself unapologetically.
Anyways, the point is that people who cheat have literally no reason to cheat.
By the way, cheating has no gender.
It is just who they are, bloody cheats!
Apt write-up sis. Keeping a positive attitude,being confident, pampering n loving urself is what every woman needs. Our lives shouldn't depend on men, it can revolve around it but not complete dependency on them. ๐ ๐ ๐